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Good Idea to Learn a Foreign Language

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    What are the best jobs for people who speak more than one language? and success?

    Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

    Teaching, translating, analysing, being a journalist, doing business in other countries… yeah, you know the list of old favourites.

    I bet you haven’t thought of all of them, though. and success

    How to use a computer.

    You’re right!

    Study from the University of Washington
    A recent study from the University of Washington found that learning a second (or third or fourth) language can help someone do better at programming computers. People who are naturallytat code also know how to speak other languages.

    It also said that math skills, which you might think are the most important for programming, had nothing to do with good programming skills. Instead, the best programmers in their study spoke more than one language.

    So, what does learning a foreign language have to do with learning to code?

    It might sound strange at first, but when you think about it, it makes sense. says that these skills are important for success in programming: attention to detail, logic, abstract thought, patience, communication and empathy, and long-term memory.

    Do you recognise it? This is because people who learn a language use these skills every day.

    When you can’t remember a word in your second language, you look through the words you’ve already learned to find a different way to explain it. This keeps your audience interesting and engaged. This makes use of a lot of the skills above.

    Plus, people who learn a new language are used to learning and working with patterns that are new to them. For example, learning Dutch, which is similar to English, requires knowing a lot of grammatical rules.

    People want to learn about computers.

    We’re in the middle of a STEM craze because we need more tech-savvy workers than ever before. Automation, changes in technology, and the move of work online have caused a huge gap in knowledge, and those who can fill the gaps can get well-paying jobs.

    This led to a huge increase in the number of majors in computer science, which sadly often came at the expense of majors in the humanities. For example, the University of Montana recently combined six language majors into one major called “World Languages and Cultures.”

    Schools try to make up for the lack of tech skills in the workforce by looking for students who are good at math, reasonable, and have a scientific mind. This is a too narrow way to measure a student’s tech skills. The study from the University of Washington is a good reason to look at applicants with unusual experiences for popular computer science classes.

    Schools teach languages

    The school system doesn’t always take into account the different experiences that can lead to a skilled techie.

    Many schools, leaders, and educational organisations only accept the standard ways into tech, which involve being good at maths and logic and having qualifications to back it up.

    Before taking computer technology classes, universities, especially in Europe, ask first-year students to have taken math, science, or engineering in high school.

    This requirement at the university level trickles down to elementary and high schools, which then put STEM topics ahead of humanities and languages and spend more money on them.

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