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Spanish Language


Simple Conversation Starters in Spanish
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    You go into a room filled with individuals you’ve never met before. Not only that, but everyone having Spanish small talk ! You want to make friends, but what should you say?

    Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

    You are not alone if you have ever felt worried about speaking a foreign language in public. This syndrome is so frequent that it has its own name: xenoglossophobia.

    And we understand. Small chat, whether you’re a novice or an established Spanish speaker, may be highly scary, especially in a foreign language.

    That’s why we put up this comprehensive Spanish small chat tutorial to help you master Spanish conversation in ANY scenario.

    In this super Spanish small talk guide, we will include useful Spanish phrases for conversation, such as:

    • Basic Spanish conversation questions
    • Likes and Dislikes: Spanish conversation for beginners
    • Business conversation in Spanish
    • Funny Spanish idioms to lighten the mood
    • And more!

    Be prepared for any Spanish small talk situation! ¿Estás listo? (Are you ready?)

    Spanish Conversation Questions for Asic

    A question is the finest approach to start a discussion. It’s no secret that individuals enjoy bragging about themselves. That being said, ask them personal questions!

    Begin by asking these easy, everyday Spanish conversation questions.

    What is your name? (Can you tell me your name?)
    How are you? (How are you doing?)
    Where are you from? (From where do you come?)
    What do you devote your time to? (Can you tell me what you do for a living?)
    Do you like it…? (Do you enjoy…?)
    Do you enjoy listening to music? (Do you enjoy listening to music?)
    Do you enjoy sports? (Do you enjoy sports?)
    ¿Tienes…? (Do you have any…?)
    Do you have a pet? (Do you have an animal?)
    Do you have brothers? (Do you have brothers and sisters?)
    What kind of __ do you prefer? (What kind of _

    Simple Spanish Subjects: State the Obvious
    Another simple Spanish conversation starter is to mention something evident about your surroundings. You could, for example, discuss:

    Weather Location Clothes Food

    When ordering in a Spanish restaurant, you can simply discuss tus comidas o bebidas favoritas (your favorite meals or beverages).

    Are you at a discoteca (a nightclub) or a fiesta (a party)? Connect with your Spanish squad by complementing a friend’s appearance, inviting someone to dance, or discussing the venue itself.

    I adore your outfit/corbata/camisa. (I really like your dress/tie/shirt.)
    Do you want to dance with me? (Would you like to dance with me?)
    This disco is incredible. Have you been here before? (This club is incredible. Have you visited before?)
    See how simple it is to make small chat in Spa

    In Spanish, likes and dislikes

    Following that, if you’re wondering how to create small chat with long-term connections such as friendships, family, and significant others, this list is for you!

    We’ll show you how to keep a discussion going by mentioning your likes, dislikes, and interests in this part.

    Descriptive Spanish Verbs You Can Use
    But first, expand your vocabulary using the following Spanish descriptive verbs:

    Gustar (to enjoy)
    I enjoy reading. (I enjoy reading.)

    Encantar (to fall in love)
    Tacos are my favorite food. (I adore tacos.)

    Amar (to fall in love)
    I love you/want you. (I adore you)

    Odiar (to despise)
    I dislike horror movies. (I despise scary films.)

    Detestar (to dislike)
    I despise politics. (I despise politics.)

    Sentir (feeling)
    I’m feeling good/bad. (I get a good/bad feeling).

    Business Spanish Conversations

    Have you ever been in a scenario where your coworkers or business partners spoke Spanish? Perhaps you travel worldwide for work and regularly find yourself at a lost for words.

    Spanish is the language of many businesses, consumers, and clients throughout Latin America, Spain, and even Miami. Having said that, learning Spanish can boost your job!

    That is why learning business conversation in Spanish is one of the most important small talk skills you can acquire. Without further ado, here are ten terms from the business Spanish vocabulary to get you started!

     Business Spanish Vocabulary Terms
    El jefe (the boss)

    The empresa (business)

    Un contrato de trabajo (a work contract)

    Los negocios (commercial transactions)

    Being contracted (having a contract)

    A full or partial day (full-time or part-time schedule)

    Solicitar el trabajo (looking for work)

    Commercialization (marketing)

    The practica / La pasanta (internship)

    Un acuerdo (a employment contract)

    When these Spanish business terms are combined with verbs like querer (desire), necesitar (need), trabajar (work), and lograr (succeed), you can quickly come up with efficient and outstanding jo

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