
Unlocking the Desires: Dive into Japanese Grammar with 〜たい (tai)

JAPANESE FOOD WITH TEXT Unlocking the Desires Dive into Japanese Grammar with 〜たい (tai) WRITTEN ON IT
Japanese Language

Unlocking the Desires: Dive into Japanese Grammar with 〜たい (tai)

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Dive into Japanese grammar with lively examples of 〜たい (tai) in action.


Konnichiwa, fellow language enthusiasts! Are you ready to add some spice to your Japanese conversations? Today, we’re delving into the delightful world of 〜たい (tai), the magic ingredient that lets you express your desires and cravings in Japanese. Whether you’re yearning to eat sushi at a cozy izakaya or itching to belt out your favorite J-pop tunes at karaoke, 〜たい (tai) is your go-to verb ending for expressing what you want to do. So, grab your virtual passport and let’s embark on this linguistic adventure together!

What is 〜たい (tai)?

In Japanese grammar, 〜たい (tai) is a suffix attached to the stem of a verb to express the desire or wish to do that action. It’s like adding a sprinkle of glitter to your sentences, instantly making them more vibrant and expressive. Whether it’s “I want to eat,” “I want to sleep,” or “I want to travel,” 〜たい (tai) is your trusty companion for expressing your innermost desires.

Sentence Structure:

The basic structure for forming 〜たい (tai) sentences is as follows:

[Verb stem] + たい (tai)

Now, let’s break it down with some examples:

  1. 食べたい。(Tabetai.) (I want to eat.)
  2. 寝たい。(Netai.) (I want to sleep.)
  3. 旅行したい。(Ryokou shitai.) (I want to travel.)

Examples with Humor:

  1. 彼氏ができたい。(Kareshi ga dekitai.) (I want to get a boyfriend.) Imagine saying this to your friends during a gossip session over matcha lattes. Who knows? Maybe Cupid is already sharpening his arrows!
  2. ドラマを見たいけど、宿題がある。(Dorama o mitai kedo, shukudai ga aru.) (I want to watch a drama, but I have homework.) Ah, the eternal struggle between entertainment and responsibilities. Who said adulting was easy?
  3. カラオケで歌いたい!(Karaoke de utaitai!) (I want to sing at karaoke!) Time to channel your inner pop star and dazzle the crowd with your rendition of “Ue o Muite Arukou”! Bonus points if you attempt the dance moves.

Exceptions and Usage:

While 〜たい (tai) is a versatile tool for expressing desires, there are a few exceptions and nuances to keep in mind:

  1. Negation: To express that you don’t want to do something, simply conjugate 〜たい (tai) to its negative form by adding 〜たくない (takunai) after the verb stem.
    For example: 食べたくない。(Tabetakunai.) – (I don’t want to eat.)
  2. Politeness: To make your desire sound more polite, add 〜たいです (tai desu) or 〜たいですか (tai desu ka) to the end of the sentence.
    For example: 明日、映画を見たいです。(Ashita, eiga o mitai desu.) – (I want to watch a movie tomorrow.)
  3. Exceptional Verbs: Some verbs have irregular stems when combined with 〜たい (tai).
    For example, the verb “to do” (する – suru) becomes したい (shitai) instead of すたい (sutai).


Congratulations, dear readers! You’ve now unlocked the power of 〜たい (tai) and can sprinkle it into your Japanese conversations like a seasoned pro. From indulging in delicious treats to pursuing your wildest dreams, 〜たい (tai) is your passport to expressing desires with flair and finesse. So go forth, embrace your inner linguist, and let your cravings run wild in the wondrous world of Japanese grammar!

Arigatou gozaimasu for joining me on this linguistic journey. Until next time, mata ne! 🎌

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