
Using “以后” (yǐhòu) to Express “After” in Chinese Grammar

Illustration of a clock indicating the concept of time in Chinese grammar
Mandarin Chinese Language

Using “以后” (yǐhòu) to Express “After” in Chinese Grammar

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Level: A2 / HSK1

Similar to:

  • Before a specific time with “以前” (yǐqián) (A2)
  • In the future in general with “以后” (A2)
  • Comparing “以后” and “的时候” (de shíhòu) (B1)
  • Comparing “以后,” “然后,” and “后来” (B2)
  • Comparing “以后” and “之后” (B2)

Used for:

  • Sequencing events in time
  • Expressing time and date


  • 以后 (yǐhòu)
  • 后 (hòu)
  • 以 (yǐ)

Just as 以前 (yǐqián) can be used to describe events before a specific time, 以后 (yǐhòu) can be used to describe events after a specific time.


This grammar structure is similar to the English “after such-and-such, something happens.” It’s quite simple; all you have to do is put the “after” (以后) after the time words or time phrase.

Structure: Time / Verb + 以后, ….

The time can be a time or date, or an action or event. It may or may not be in the future.


  1. 下午三点以后,我不在家。
    • Xiàwǔ sāndiǎn yǐhòu, wǒ bù zài jiā.
    • After three p.m., I will not be at home.
  2. 来中国以后,她认识了她的老公
    • Lái Zhōngguó yǐhòu, tā rènshi le tā de lǎogōng.
    • After coming to China, she met her husband.
  3. 她一个月以后开始上班。
    • Tā yī gè yuè yǐhòu kāishǐ shàngbān.
    • After one month, she will start working.
  4. 吃完午饭以后,我们要开会。
    • Chī wán wǔfàn yǐhòu, wǒmen yào kāihuì.
    • We are going to have a meeting after we finish lunch.
  5. 几年以后,我们公司会更大。
    • Jǐ nián yǐhòu, wǒmen gōngsī huì gèng dà.
    • In a few years, our company will be even bigger.
  6. 老板半个小时以后回来。
    • Lǎobǎn bàn gè xiǎoshí yǐhòu huílái.
    • After half an hour, the boss will return.
  7. 下班以后你想跟我们一起去打球吗?
    • Xiàbān yǐhòu, nǐ xiǎng gēn wǒmen yīqǐ qù dǎqiú ma?
    • After we get off work, would you like to go play ball with us?
  8. 老板来了以后,大家都不说话了。
    • Lǎobǎn lái le yǐhòu, dàjiā dōu bù shuōhuà le.
    • After the boss came, everyone stopped talking.
  9. 你到家以后给我打电话。
    • Nǐ dào jiā yǐhòu gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà.
    • After you get home, call me.
  10. 结婚以后爸爸不喝酒了。
    • Jiéhūn yǐhòu bàba bù hējiǔ le.
    • After he got married, dad stopped drinking.

By mastering the use of 以后 (yǐhòu), you can effectively sequence events and describe actions that happen after a specific time, which is crucial for clear and precise communication in Chinese.

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