
“Which One Is It? Navigating Demonstrative Pronouns in French.”

French demonstrative pronouns - masculine, feminine, and plural forms.
French Language

“Which One Is It? Navigating Demonstrative Pronouns in French.”

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes


Welcome to the world of French demonstrative pronouns! In this guide, we’ll explore how to navigate the complexities of these pronouns so you can confidently express yourself in French. From distinguishing between “ce,” “cet,” “cette,” and “ces” to understanding their usage in different contexts, we’ll cover it all.

Masculine Singular (celui):
Used to refer to a specific masculine singular noun.

  • “Je préfère ce livre.” (I prefer this book.) – Pronunciation: “Zhe pray-fehr suh lee-vruh.”
  • “Celui-ci est moins cher.” (This one is cheaper.) – Pronunciation: “Suh-lee see eh mwa(n) sher.”

Feminine Singular (celle):
Used to refer to a specific feminine singular noun.

  • “Tu vois cette voiture ? Celle-là est la mienne.” (Do you see that car? That one is mine.) – Pronunciation: “Too vwah saht vwa-ah-tur ? Sell-lah eh lah m’yen.”
  • “J’aime cette robe, mais je préfère celle-ci.” (I like that dress, but I prefer this one.) – Pronunciation: “Zh-ehm set rrohb, may zh-uh pray-fehr sell-see.”

Masculine Plural (ceux):
Used to refer to specific masculine plural nouns.

  • “Je vais acheter ces stylos, mais j’aime aussi ceux-là.” (I’m going to buy these pens, but I also like those ones.) – Pronunciation: “Zhuh vay ash-tay say steel-oh, may zh-ehm oos-see so-lah.”
  • “Ceux qui arrivent en retard devront attendre.” (Those who arrive late will have to wait.) – Pronunciation: “Suh kee ah-reev ah(n) reh-tar d-vroh ah-tah(n)dr.”

Feminine Plural (celles):
Used to refer to specific feminine plural nouns.

  • “Tu veux ces pommes ? Non, je préfère celles-ci.” (Do you want those apples? No, I prefer these ones.) – Pronunciation: “Too vuh s puhm ? Noh, zh-uh pray-fehr sell-see.”
  • “Regarde ces fleurs. Celles-là sont magnifiques.” (Look at those flowers. Those ones are beautiful.) – Pronunciation: “Ruh-gahrd say fluhr. Sell-lah so(n) man-yee-feek.”


Demonstrative pronouns are crucial for indicating specific objects or people in a sentence, enhancing clarity and precision in communication.

Identifying in a Sentence:

In sentences like “Je veux celui-là” (I want that one) and “Elle préfère celles-ci” (She prefers these ones), the demonstrative pronouns “celui-là” and “celles-ci” point to specific items.

Funny Example:

Picture a scenario where someone is shopping for shoes with a friend. After trying on numerous pairs, they exclaim, “Ah, celles-là sont parfaites ! Elles me donnent des ailes !” (Ah, those ones are perfect! They give me wings!)


Mastering demonstrative pronouns in French adds depth and precision to your language skills. Ready to elevate your French? Join our A2 course at the Learn Language Store today!

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